Preparations to repair and upgrade the Hengistbury Head Long Groyne started today ahead of work commencing in April.
The Long Groyne reduces coastal flooding and erosion, protecting homes and infrastructure within Poole and Christchurch Bays, as well as stabilising the frontage preventing the two merging into one bay.
The works are licensed to take place from April to October 2024, delivered by contractors VBA Joint Venture Ltd.
The rock will be shipped to the bay and delivered onto the beach using a smaller barge, and the beach will remain open during the works.
The upgraded Long Groyne will remain at its current length of approximately 150 metres from the beach line, but it will be made wider and 1.5 metres higher.
Following completion of the upgrade in October 2024, a further two short groynes, located near Solent Beach car park, will also be adapted, anticipated for completion by Christmas 2024.
Councillor Andy Hadley, Portfolio for Climate Response, Environment and Energy, said: “The Long Groyne plays a significant role in reducing the risks of coastal flooding and erosion from the Purbecks to Hurst Spit, and it’s great to see the work starting on site.
“The current Long Groyne is life-expired and during storm events, is frequently submerged by sea waves, compromising its performance as a coastal defence structure.
“These works will ensure our coastline is more resilient to projected sea level rise and the increasing number of storm events predicted over the next 100 years.
“The upgrade will also enable us to deliver innovative environmental enhancements to improve the natural environment.”