Pennyfarthing submits next plans for 187 homes

Pennyfarthing Homes has submitted a Reserved Matters Application for land off Edmondsham Road covering 5.23ha and 187 new homes.

This Phase 2 application follows the granting of Outline Planning Permission already given for the site, and is in addition to the current building work nearby on 43 new homes.

The new application has further details of the layout of the scheme, building designs, construction materials and landscaping. You can see them all via the planning website here with the reference number 3/19/2512/RM.

It says 187 new dwellings will be built, of which 65 will be ‘affordable’.

Public open space will be retained and the small play area on the land will be improved and extended.

Vehicular access is to be provided from Edmondsham Road. Dedicated pedestrian and cycling links are to be provided throughout the housing area and link into the existing networks.

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