Community groups are being invited to apply for funding from Dorset’s Police and Crime Commissioner to reduce anti-social behaviour (ASB).
Grants of between £100 and £5,000 are available to make communities safer places to live.
David Sidwick’s Operation Relentless Community Fund was established in 2021 to empower communities and help reduce incidents of ASB.
A total of £150,700 has since been awarded to 35 initiatives including community outreach work, employment skills workshops and sports activities as well as sessions in primary schools to educate pupils about the dangers of county lines.
Mr Sidwick said: “ASB in Dorset is currently at its lowest level since 2007-08, and in the last year alone has fallen by 12 per cent, and I am determined it stays that way.
“Alongside the hard work carried out by Dorset Police in tackling this behaviour, we know this initiative makes a difference as the public have told us so.
“That’s why I am so pleased to be launching round five of the Operation Relentless Community Fund to ensure these low levels remain low and communities can be free of the detrimental impact this behaviour has.
“My Office works hard to make a positive difference to the people of Dorset and this fund is just one of the tools at our disposal to help make our county safer.
“I am proud of the results we have seen so far and determined to see this continue.
“If you are a charity or local organisation and fit the criteria, I encourage you to apply for funding. Together we can continue to drive down ASB offences and make a positive difference to where we all live and work.”
Applications are open until Friday 2 May, for grants between £100 and £5,000.
More on how to apply to the fund can be found via the PCC website or at bit.ly/OperationRelentlessCommunityFund