Veterans Minister meets local veterans and charities and organisations that support them on visit to Dorset

Veterans Minister Alistair Carns DSO OBE MC met local veterans and the charities and organisations that support them on a visit to Bournemouth.

The ex-marine, who was previously based in Hamworthy and received the Military Cross for his service in Afghanistan, was accompanied by Bournemouth West MP, Jessica Toale.

His visit started with a tour of Helping Homeless Veterans UK’s hub at the Royal British Legion in Winton.

The charity’s founder, David Wood, explained how they’d taken a derelict building and repurposed it as shared accommodation for six homeless veterans,.

Resident Robbie explained how it was his sanctuary.

The 63-year-old, who served in the army from 1979-2001 including tours in Northern Ireland, Bosnia and Kosovo, said: “My mum passed away, I separated from my wife, moved in with my sister – had a big argument – and then became homeless.

“I was sleeping in my car for seven weeks.

“People look down on homeless people.

“Until you’re homeless yourself, you don’t really understand.

“You say it’ll never happen to you, but it does. I’m a prime example of that.

“Lucky enough, I went to BCP Council, someone knew Dave and he took me on.

“It’s been brilliant – you’ve got a roof over your head, and can talk to people who understand.”

David, who has helped almost 700 people, highlighted how for most veterans’ homelessness follows relationship break downs and outlined how replicable creating this type of accommodation for veterans was – sharing more about a new scheme in Wales.

The Minister congratulated David for his work, saying: “You may not remember all 700, but every single one of them will remember you.”

Grant Parrott, the County Chairman for the Royal British Legion in Dorset, said: “It was the perfect opportunity for veterans charities to get together to ask questions of the minister and of Jessica, but equally it was a great opportunity for us to meet and compare notes of what each charity is doing and to make sure everyone is moving in one direction.”

The Minister and MP then moved on to St Thomas Church Hall in Ensbury Park for a lively Q&A with around 30 more veterans and local charities covering issues such as support for veterans and families, the issue of continuity in government when ministers often change and need to appeal to diverse new recruits.

Mr Carns outlined his links to the area spotting a handful of veterans in the audience who he’d previously served with in Afghanistan.

He spoke about the lack of support for veterans returning from war and pledged to continue lobbying for better support, promising to return to Bournemouth again to discuss things further.

Jessica Toale, who is part of the Armed Forces Parliamentary Scheme which gives a deeper insight into military life, said: “It was so great to welcome the Minister to Bournemouth to meet veterans, hear their stories and share updates on government policy.

“It builds on a meeting I had locally with veterans six months ago.

“The local charities, such as Helping Homeless Veterans UK, work day-in, day-out supporting those who’ve served their country and I am always humbled to visit and meet their residents – I know the Minister was too.

“We will both continue doing everything we can to improve things for veterans and I look forward to welcoming the Minister back again soon.”

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