A multi-million pound investment in greener vehicles across BCP Council’s fleet has been approved by its Cabinet.
Residents across Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole will benefit from lower carbon emissions as a result of the scheme.
Phase Two of the Fleet Replacement Scheme has been approved by Cabinet with vehicles reaching their end-of-life being replaced by lower carbon alternatives.
The £20 million scheme includes funding from the sale of existing vehicles, with 280 new vehicles expected over the next three years.
Phase One of the scheme began in 2021 with seven electric refuse collection lorries and the introduction of 67 electric vans from a total of 401 vehicles purchased across the fleet.
This has seen annual carbon emissions cut by 250 tonnes annually – the same amount produced by 1.78 million kilometres of driving.
Phase Two progresses towards the council’s aim to become a carbon neutral local authority by 2030 with more than 100 electric vehicles targeted for purchase over the next three years.
The council operates more than 600 vehicles across the area.
It is anticipated that around a quarter of these will be electric by 2028.
A switch to electric vehicles will also produce less operating noise; an electric refuse collection lorry operates at 40 decibels lower than its diesel equivalent.
Cllr Andy Hadley, Portfolio Holder for Climate Response, Environment and Energy at BCP Council, said: “This marks a significant step towards our duty of becoming a carbon neutral local authority by 2030 and ensures better air quality for all residents.
“Phase Two of this scheme will allow the council to build on its successful first phase and will place BCP amongst leading councils in transitioning towards operating a green fleet.
“This new investment ensures we can continue to deliver on our promise of making Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole a better place for everyone.”
BCP Council’s Cabinet unanimously approved £19.857 million of funds for Phase Two of the Fleet Replacement Plan at its meeting on Wednesday 5th February.
The decision will be considered at a later full council meeting.