Highcliffe Brownies meet the Christchurch Mayor for Parliament Week celebrations

The 4th Highcliffe Brownies visited the Old Town Hall in Christchurch for a special meeting with the Mayor, Cllr Paul Hilliard.

The event, which was part of their involvement in UK Parliament Week, offered the young participants an interactive opportunity to learn about local government and the democratic process.

During the visit on November 21st, the Mayor shared insights into his role and explained how decisions are made at both national and local levels.

The Brownies had the chance to try on the traditional Lady Mayor’s hat and the Mayor’s ceremonial gold chain, which proved to be a highlight of the day. The girls also participated in a secret vote using resources from the UK Parliament Week pack, fostering an early understanding of democratic decision-making.

The trip extended beyond the Town Hall, as the group explored local landmarks associated with James Druitt, a former Mayor of Christchurch who served five terms. This activity complemented their efforts to earn the Local History badge, offering a meaningful connection between history and civic engagement.

Janet Sachs (Tawny Owl), one of the group leaders, said: “Apart from being great fun, it was inspiring to see Brownies as young as seven engaging with democracy and government.

“Girlguiding believes that ‘girls can do anything,’ and who knows—we may have a future Mayor among us, inspired by this unique opportunity.”

Girlguiding Twynham, which covers the Christchurch area, is actively seeking new volunteers to support more girls in experiencing opportunities like this.

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