Work begins today to replace and strengthen two timber groynes at Hengistbury Head Beach.
It’s expected to take six to eight weeks.
During this time a section of the beach will be closed to the public for safety reasons.
The work is part of the Poole Bay Beach Management Scheme designed to tackle coastal erosion provide protection to a significant number of residential and commercial properties.
It’s taking place over a 17-year period from 2015 to 2032 in three distinct phases.
It’s estimated the entire scheme will cost in the region of £50 million with the majority funded by the Environment Agency.
The aims are to:
- replace Bournemouth’s existing 53 timber groynes, in multiple short phases (based on the life-expiry dates of the structures);
- construct an additional three new timber groynes;
- repair and upgrade Hengistbury Head Long Groyne;
- complete three beach renourishments, approximately once every five years
More details can be found here.