A final decision on the future of the trial gate closure to motor vehicles in Poole Park is going to be made this month.
Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole council members will be taking a look at a recommendation to make the closure at the Whitecliff Gate entrance to the park permanent.
It‘s following on from a trial closure of this gate, which began in January.
A four-week consultation was made with 63% of responses disagreeing with the closure and 36% agreeing, which just left 1% who were neutral in what they thought.
Public Health Dorset supports the permanent closure of the gate, as this will contribute to creating an environment that encourages physical activity such as walking, play, and enjoyment of the natural environment. Providing a positive impact on the health and wellbeing of the population who use the park.
The consultation revealed that older people and those with a disability were more likely to disagree with the proposal.
Data suggests that closing the Whitecliff Road entrance resulted in approximately a 50% reduction in traffic in the park and a 2% increase in traffic along Parkstone Road.
You can read a copy of the report here.
The Cabinet’s expecting to decide on the 22 May.