Bournemouth Water is reminding everyone to protect their homes and properties against the risk of leaks during the cold weather this winter.
Temperatures across Bournemouth plummeted over the weekend and the Met Office forecasts that it will get significantly colder.
A sudden drop in temperature can result in water-related issues, such as frozen pipes and leaks.
Richard Stanbrook, Drinking Water Services Director at Bournemouth Water said: “Our teams work incredibly hard every day, come rain or shine, to keep the taps flowing for our customers. Freezing conditions can make this much more challenging.
“The freezing temperatures last winter caused a large number of bursts, both on our network and customer properties, which put a lot of pressure on our network and resources.
“While we can’t change the weather forecast, we can ask our customers for their help and to take simple steps to prepare their homes for the cold weather.”
Great tips to help you get winter-ready
- Wrap up your pipes and water tanks with lagging – especially those in unheated areas such as lofts, garages or gardens
- Fix dripping taps – even a small trickle can result in a frozen pipe
- Find your inside stop tap (usually under the kitchen sink or where the pipework enters your property) and make sure you can turn it off
- Leave the heating on low if you go away
- Check your central heating boiler has been serviced
- Keep the contact details of a reputable plumber on hand.
What to do if you have frozen pipes
- If you don’t have any water, check with neighbours. If they still have water, your pipes may be frozen
- Check pipes for signs of a split – a leak or burst will not occur until the water has thawed
- Turn off the supply using the internal stop tap
- If the central heating and other water heating appliances are already on, keep on. However, if they are currently turned off do not be tempted to switch them on to thaw frozen pipes as this could cause damage
- Drain the cold water system only by flushing the toilet and opening cold taps over sinks and baths
- If you don’t find any damage, turn on all the taps and thaw the frozen pipe using a warm towel or hot water bottle wrapped in a towel
- When the pipes have thawed and you’re sure no damage or leak has occurred, turn off the taps and slowly switch the supply back using the internal stop tap
- Recheck the pipes now that they are under pressure and check again for signs of damage or a leak before switching on water heating appliances.
Call a plumber immediately
If you discover a leak or burst pipe, call a reputable plumber immediately. Bournemouth Water supports approved contractor schemes and a list of approved contractors can be found on the WaterSafe website or by calling 0333 207 9030.
It’s important to know that any big freeze is followed by a thaw which can cause interruptions to your water supply. Would you be able to access an alternative water supply during a disruption? If not, get in touch and sign up for Bournemouth Water’s Priority Services Register here.
For more information and advice on preparing for the cold weather, see this site.