Urgent appeal launched by Homelessness Partnership BCP

An urgent appeal has been launched by the Homelessness Partnership BCP.

They say over 150 children in Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole could spend this festive season in bed-and-breakfast hotels because they have no place to call home.

A Christmas Campaign is now underway and residents can help by volunteering their time, letting any property they might have to the Council, or by donating via the crowd-funding page below.

The recent successful delivery of new local housing has meant more families have a place to call home, and has helped to decrease the number of children who were formerly housed in B&Bs by over 20%.

There is further hope on the horizon, because BCP is one of six trailblazer regions for Homewards, the new initiative from Prince William and The Royal Foundation. It is already working to form a locally led coalition from across all sectors and businesses, to work with the organisations ‘at the front line’ to identify specific actions that will bring closer an end to homelessness in the area.

Chair of the Partnership Forum, Alistair Doxat-Purser, said: “Behind the numbers are individual families seeking to eat, sleep, do homework, relax, seek hope for the next day – all in a B&B room. As a partnership we are seeking all ways to change this situation for another family… and another family… and another. The reduction because of the new housing is really welcome, but we are committed to both helping more families make the step on into secure homes, and preventing yet more falling into the same situation.

“The thriving new relationship with Homewards, working hand-in-hand with local partners, is a driving force to help families across our three towns. However, we would love the support of organisations, businesses, faith groups, community teams and individual members of the public – please support the campaign and open the door to a future home for more families this Christmas.”


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