Seasonal campaign launched helping residents stay safe this Christmas

Dorset Police has launched a new seasonal campaign reminding residents how to avoid being the victim of crime this Christmas.

From not leaving gifts on display in our cars, to keeping doors and windows locked, the force will be out on the streets with some friendly advice.

Superintendent Gavin House, the Neighbourhood, Partnership and Safeguarding lead said: “this is one of the busiest times of year for shoppers and retailers and there are simple prevention measures people can take to make it harder for thieves.

“We are urging retailers to think carefully about where they place their most valuable stock; to keep it away from doors and window displays and to place it where staff can best keep an eye on it. We are urging shoppers to be vigilant to people who may want to steal their wallets and other valuables from their bags, so keep them closed at all times, especially in crowds.”

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