Verwood enters tier 2 restrictions after Lockdown

Verwood and the rest of Dorset and Hampshire will enter tier 2 once national lockdown measures end on December 2nd.

BCP Council area will also join us in tier 2, with only the Isle of Wight, Scilly Isles and Cornwall being in the less-restrictive tier 1.

This means we can only mix with our own households or support bubbles indoors but, can meet with up to six people outdoors.

In addition, restaurants can re-open with restrictions in place and events can take place.

In tier 2:

  • you must not socialise with anyone you do not live with or who is not in your support bubble in any indoor setting, whether at home or in a public place
  • you must not socialise in a group of more than 6 people outside, including in a garden or a public space – this is called the ‘rule of 6’
  • businesses and venues can continue to operate, in a COVID-Secure manner, other than those which remain closed by law, such as nightclubs
  • pubs and bars must close, unless operating as restaurants. Hospitality venues can only serve alcohol with substantial meals
  • hospitality businesses selling food or drink for consumption on their premises are required to:
  • provide table service only, in premises which sell alcohol
  • close between 11pm and 5am (hospitality venues in airports, ports, transport services and motorway service areas are exempt)
  • stop taking orders after 10pm
  • hospitality businesses and venues selling food and drink for consumption off the premises can continue to do so after 10pm as long as this is through delivery service, click-and-collect or drive-through
  • early closure (11pm) applies to casinos, cinemas, theatres, museums, bowling alleys, amusement arcades, funfairs, theme parks, adventure parks and activities, and bingo halls. Cinemas, theatres and concert halls can stay open beyond 11pm in order to conclude performances that start before 10pm
  • public attendance at outdoor and indoor events (performances and shows) is permitted, limited to whichever is lower: 50% capacity, or either 2,000 people outdoors or 1,000 people indoors
  • public attendance at spectator sport and business events can resume inside and outside, subject to social contact rules and limited to whichever is lower: 50% capacity, or either 2,000 people outdoors or 1,000 people indoors
  • places of worship remain open but you must not socialise with people from outside of your household or support bubble while you are indoors there, unless a legal exemption applies
  • weddings and funerals can go ahead with restrictions on numbers of attendees – 15 people can attend wedding ceremonies and receptions, 30 people can attend funeral ceremonies, and 15 people can attend linked commemorative events such as wakes or stonesettings.
  • organised outdoor sport, and physical activity and exercise classes can continue
  • organised indoor sport, physical activity and exercise classes will only be permitted if it is possible for people to avoid mixing with people they do not live with (or share a support bubble with). There are exceptions for indoor disability sport, sport for educational purposes and supervised sport and physical activity for under-18s, which can take place with larger groups mixing
  • you can continue to travel to venues or amenities which are open, but should aim to reduce the number of journeys you make where possible
  • if you live in a tier 2 area, you must continue to follow tier 2 rules when you travel to a tier 1 area. Avoid travel to or overnight stays in tier 3 areas other than where necessary, such as for work, education, youth services, to receive medical treatment, or because of caring responsibilities.You can travel through a tier 3 area as a part of a longer journey
  • for international travel see the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office travel advice for your destination and the travel corridors list

See the full national list of which places are in which tier here.

Sam Crowe Director of Public Health for Dorset and BCP Councils said: “These measures are designed to help us bring infection and transmission rates down as quickly as possible. Over the last few months, we have seen rising cases where household mixing has led to more positive cases of COVID-19.

“To help stop the spread we need everyone to do their bit and limiting social mixing is one of the most effective way to this.”

Cllr Nicola Greene, cabinet member for covid resilience and public health said: “We are disappointed to be placed in tier two, given the continuing fall in infection rates in our area, thanks to the positive behaviours of local people, who have been diligently following the rules and helping to control the virus.

“We must continue to do so, though, now and from 2 December, as this will give us hope of moving down a tier as soon as we can. This is vital to protect our older relatives, and increase the changes of a more flexible ‘normal’ in the near future.”

Cllr Spencer Flower, Leader of Dorset Council, added: “I am disappointed that the Dorset Council area will be in Tier 2 following the end of national restrictions on Wednesday 2 December.

“The rate of COVID infection here is falling and is one of the lowest in the country. The people of Dorset have worked hard and made sacrifices to comply with COVID restrictions over many months. As a result, the number of COVID cases here has been relatively low.

“However, I am optimistic that by continuing to observe measures to reduce the spread of the virus we can return to Tier 1 when the Government conducts its review on 16 December. Once again, thank you for everything everyone is doing to stop the spread of the virus.”

The new rules come into effect on Wednesday 2 December.

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