Second application for Verwood dementia care home refused

A second application to build a dementia care home in Verwood has been refused, but a decision on a revised, third application is yet to be made.

The second submission (3/19/2163/OUT) from Fayrewood Property addressed concerns from the first, including adding more car parking spaces.

But a third application (3/19/2271/OUT) was submitted days after the second, with slight changes based on initial feedback.

Over 30 objections have been received to the amended plans, which propose a 38 bedroom building, provide 23 car parking spaces and create 30 full-time jobs. The original document proposed 12 car parking spaces instead of 23.

The plan, to demolish the existing buildings at 5 – 7A Edmondsham Road, also got the thumbs down from Verwood Town Council.

It objected to the layout, scale, bulk, landscaping, visual impact, and relationship to nearby properties. A representative said the Council also has concerns regarding traffic volume towards pedestrian safety.

The main objections are to the height of the proposed building, with locals saying Edmondsham Road has no street lighting along most of its length and an increase in traffic would be more hazardous.

Objectors also said the area is heavily congested with inadequate road and pavement facilities to cope with what’s already there, including the school, Bowls club, recreation ground and Helix Centre.

The plan has been given the support of JPC Highway Consultants which has monitored activity in the area and states approx three pedestrians use the area per hour over the AM & PM peaks as well as between 14:00 & 15:00.

The report says: “The Council have asked us to look at the hour off 14:00-15:00 which represents a total level of movement of 15 trips, the highest in each time frame is vehicle occupant obviously sharing a car. With a total level of average movements being 1 vehicle every 4 minutes I consider the level to be minimal. Less in the AM and PM peak hours.

“The worst-case scenario is 1 vehicle two way every 4 minutes over the busiest hour-long period.”

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